
Íme Blake Lively #foodporn krónikája!

Forrás: ...I've finally become Italian food. 
Forrás: Homemade breakfast: English muffin, sausage, egg, extra sharp cheddar and SRIRACHA MAYONIASE!!! Whaaaat?!?
Cozy family feast 😛 

Forrás: New Years resolutions??? 😳 not sure this counts.
Forrás: Dinner last night! Home rotisseried (not a real word😛) chicken and a vegetable medley each dressed with its own delicious favors-- fig balsamic, shallots, and other such yumminess!
Forrás: No, that's not a baby in my belly... It's guacamole.
Forrás: Nothing better (or tastier) than an evening spent with friends who share your passion. 
Forrás: Whoever invented Kraft Mac & Cheese should get a Michelin star. Holy goodness. (I was outta milk so I substituted it for a splash of heavy cream and 4-6 tablespoons of cream cheese). Holy. 😯 😍 Cow.
Forrás: Baking with my girl Morgan 
Forrás: Blake. Wuz. Here.
Forrás: This new lipstick is all the rage. 80% cocoa. 112% immature.
Forrás: Name one thing better in winter than City Bakery hot chocolate!! ...that's what I thought 😋 Who here has been?
Forrás: ...and so has our sweet tooth!